Natural home-made skin care tips-random
The most common and effective natural beauty aids are lemon, potato, carrot, cucumber and tomato.
For oily skin lemon is effective. Add a small quantity of milk and lemon juice in oat flour. Apply this mixture on the face, leave it for 20 min. wash off with lukewarm water.
(lemon juice is an effective conditioner for hair. If you have oily hair, rinse with water mixed with lemon juice after shampooing)
For black spots and shadow, lemon juice mixed with fresh milk cream can be applied before retiring to bed.
Potato also keeps the skin clean and fresh.
Carrot juice can be used as lotion. An effective lotion can be made by chopping carrot into small pieces, boil these in water, mash and apply on the face for 1/2 hour.
For cleaning clogged pores, tomato juice and lemon juice can be mixed in equal quantity and be applied.
Cucumber juice is good as eye-drops in summer. Also cucumber piece can be placed on eyes and rubbed on the face as a beauty-aid.
Bath for skin care
Bath is an effective beauty therapy for the proper maintenance of skin. If you are using soap, do not take very hot water. It will damage oil glands. Fresh lukewarm water is best for taking bath.
In case of any skin disease use a medicated, disinfectant soap. Ordinary soaps are not disinfectant. In summer take bath twice a day, to wash off sweat and grease. Use of soap should be discontinued in case of dry skin, in winters and in advanced age. Bath can be taken in running water, standing water in tubs, undre shower or with steam.
Sandalwood paste keeps the body mildly fragrant and refreshed throughout the day. For this take sandalwood powder, mix rose water and make a paste and apply in thick coat. Leave it for 15 min let it dry then take bath.
To ligthen a dark complexion a simple home remedy is this; take oat fiour tied in a kerchief or napkin dip it in unboiled (raw) milk and rub on the body twice a week. Slowly skin acquries a lighter tint. For unwanded hair scrub with gram flour.